Be a Good Influencer. Professionally.

This is for everyone.

Anyone who wants a platform to inspire positive change.

Anyone dedicated to organically growing their following.

Anyone wanting to earn a living by monetizing their content.

Anyone who wants a platform to inspire positive change.


Good Influencer Mastermind Subscription

$57/ mo
$150/ 3 mo
$750/ yr

With the Subscription you get access to our entire course library, as well as access to our Mastermind Creator Forum.

  • "Having no experience in the corporate world, this course taught me how to write a solid pitch and gave me the confidence to approach dream brands that I have since been able to secure partnerships with.”

  • "Not only was I able to gain valuable insight and lessons from completing the course, but also getting hands-on support from Chris and Julia has been phenomenal."

  • "Having the expert advice through the Good Influence(r) program has been essential to our growth and we cannot recommend this community and the wisdom shared in it enough!”

  • “The Good Influence(r) program has been an essential part of my growth and helped me be more confident reaching out to brands for collaborations. The course was easy to navigate and full of helpful information. The mastermind group has been such a great resource as well and has helped me connect with others in my same situation. Any time I post to the Mastermind group, I receive tremendously helpful feedback from fellow members as well as Chris and Julia. This has been such a valuable experience for me professionally and I highly recommend this course to influencers who are looking to grow their business and build partnerships with brands.”

  • "When I first started the Good Influence(r) program I was juggling a 9-5 day job, an organizing business on the weekends, and building my blog every evening. The inside information Julia and Chris share inside the course has not only educated me on how to be a more professional Blogger and Influencer, but I have since been able to leave my day job and run my blog full time. What I like most about Good Influence(r) is that the learning doesn't stop with the courses. The Mastermind group is always bouncing ideas off each other, and Chris & Julia are there, live and in person, giving their expert advice, too. This program is perfect for anyone who is ready to take their brand seriously and make big steps forward in their business goals."

  • “As an influencer and blogger for the past 6 years, I needed something that was going to push my boundaries and catapult me confidently to further grow my business. Joining Good Influence(r)™ has been one of my best business decisions simply because of the success and shift in mindset it has given me. I refer to the Good Influence(r)™ course on a weekly basis, from how to successfully negotiate with brands to charging my worth. In the past year, I have landed some of my largest brand collaborations with confidence in addition to increasing my rates. This was also in part to the coaching I received from Chris & Julia when creating my media kit to send to brands. The Mastermind is also a powerful community where I can ask questions for those gray areas of my business that, as influencers, we aren't so sure about. It has truly created a movement of when we help one another, we truly do all rise together. If you're even wondering if Good Influence(r)™ is for you, then it is. You'll grow your confidence, your business, land dream partnerships, and not hesitate to charge your worth.”